Monday, September 9, 2013

Design Wall Monday

Yeah, I finished
Quilting my Star Surround QA top:

Now I just have to get the binding done,
by September 15th.
It's going to be machine sewn
and I will try Susie's Magic Binding.

Then I whipped up
a quick wall hanging:
my first Halloween quilt ever.
Here it is without borders:

Test borders:
I hope to finish this quilt
by the end of September,
in the spirit of the
of using a crafts book
and actually making something out of it.
How about that?

Meantime I had joined
Vicki and the Fractured QA.
I haven't gotten far,
but one test block A (unsewn)
looks very promising:
You can see my color choices

That's it from my Design Wall.
Find more inspiration at


  1. Holy Moly! When you git going, you GIT!! Love the Halloween quilt - so cute! Also, the UofM colors are wonderful in you QAL block. Good job!!

  2. Where did you find the time to "whip up" up your Halloween quilt besides working on another one and a test block for FQA on Monday? Wish I had your energy!


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!