Monday, December 16, 2013

Design Wall Monday

Unbelievable, but I am keeping up 
with Judy's 'Fit for a Hero' quilt along!
The latest units are just spread out at the bottom
to fit in the picture
and will become blocks here very soon.

I have also been sewing on 
and am still working on my chevron units.
So no pinwheels started yet,
but a lot of cutting is done
and I just need to get sewing...

Since I have been dealing 
with same major lower back issues
for the past 3 weeks
I started 'tower sewing':
While not a perfect set-up
 it helps keeping me busy:
no sitting and no awkward bending
means less pain 
and faster recovery - nice!
Not to mention it keeps me 
from going insane due to inactivity.

My Mod Xmas tree wall hanging 
has not been forgotten,
but will need to be done 
with a 'real' sewing table support
or everything ends up crooked due 
to the fabric pull.
I loved your feedback - thank you!-
and will go with a skinny red inner border
and green fabric with Cardinal outer border:
Let's hope I have enough green border fabric - 
it was a remnant...

Linking up to Judy's Design Wall


  1. Your tower sowing is very creative. Leave it to a quilter to figure out a way to sew regardless of the situation. Hope you recover soon from the back pain. You go girl!

  2. Where there's a will.... there's a way! Hope your back is feeling much better very soon. You quilts are going to be beautiful.

  3. Great projects Barb! And glad the stand-up set-up is working so you can still sew! Way to go! :-)

  4. My son does standup computing and swears by it. I can see how that would help with some back issues, but my back pain comes from standing. Go figure!

  5. Good idea the way you have raised your machine - it does help, I have had back problems and put my machine on my high cutting table and was very comfortable working there.

  6. Being able to keep up with two on line projects is pretty amazing, very impressive.

    Hope your back gets to feeling better soon.


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!