Monday, September 16, 2013

Design Wall Monday

Well, here it goes:
while sewing my 1st Fractured block,
as leader and enders.

Then some more cutting

and both borders for the Halloween top attached
(started for the Craftbuds book month):

After having joined the GLHQ last Thurday
I picked up a kit for a donation quilt
and started sewing these HST as well:
(yes, they were somehow cut in different sizes
and I will have to square them up).
Oh, and I had to add 1 more 
Halloweeny leftover spool
3 1/2 inch square:

And I finished the binding on my 
but the big reveal will be 
after the Monday parade...

That's about it:
sure looks like Quilters ADD..
but lots of stuff got moved along.
Linking up to 

Happy sewing,


  1. Quilters ADD is a virus that spreads around blogland and DWM! Love the colors in your donation fabrics!

  2. You sure are a busy lady, Barb! Can't wait for the big reveal!

  3. Good job Barb - you sure were busy last week! Your Halloween quilt is super = love the border fabric. Nice collection of strips too.

  4. What a great idea using leaders and enders to make the quilt blocks.


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!