Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Star Surround - QA

Before I am left behind
in the Star Surround Quilt Along,
I just sewed the 1st step
Half Square Triangles.

Easy - peasy,
especially with Melissa's
And since I am just doing a 1 star block quilt,
I was done in no time: nice!

You don't have to do a gazillion blocks,
just do one big block, 
maybe for charity,
 and put a smile on someone's face!
Melissa has you covered
with a ton of different sizes and lay-outs.


  1. These look great Barb!!! Just perfect. And thanks for the shout out, people for sure can still join in :)

  2. I love your colours - it's going to be really pretty!


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!