Monday, April 15, 2013

Design Wall Monday

I had a let's-do-borders kind of weekend 
and completed 3 (!) tops!
Unreal - and now 
my to-be-quilted pile got even higher.
Here the last one of the bunch - 
Flying Toucans
Before that I finished
QOV - Freedom is our Strength
and Easy Street mystery

This means my design wall 
is somewhat empty;
so I pulled another UFO
"Patriotic Town Square"
It's from Kim Brackett's book
and I will add 2 more rows
to make it a comfortable QOV size.
Off to the scrap bin and 
checking out some blues and reds...
still got some sashing fabric left: good.
So: What's on your design wall?

Linking up to Judy's DWM post 


  1. Way to go Barbara!! Lovely quilts all.....!

  2. Hi Barb,
    I am so jealous!And I love all your quilts, the red white and blues are my favorites. I found your blog through DWM and I signed up to follow. I am a new blogger, slowly learning my way around! Your quilts look great!

  3. Wow, you surprise me with all these quilts that I had forgotten about...what other treasures do you have hidden in your home?? Good job - Love the Flying Toucans!!

  4. Wow! What a lovely parade of quilts. Your borders look great and so does your last quilt.

  5. Look at you go! I love that Flying geese one!!


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!