Saturday, September 17, 2011

Houndstooth top - done

I just finished my Houndstooth top - after a few
"oops, I guess I have to reverse sew these parts" moments..
And maybe I will even manage
to load it on my quilting frame.
I haven't used the frame in soo long,
it's not even funny any more.
The loading usually stops me in my tracks
and I find distraction easily....

Hope you'll find some sewing time this weekend as well,


  1. Definitely going to be one of my favorites of your quilts!! Good sewin'!! :-)

  2. Way to go Barb! Our cable/internet was out yesterday so I got lots more sewing done. A very fun day. Maybe a post is in my future today - who knows? Have a good one!


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!