Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stash report

I just got back from the Oakland University Homecoming 5k walk/ run. What a cold start it was at 17F, but my monthly commitment for a local activity is out of the way and I had fun.

Apart from this another week went by - with very little sewing and it shows in my stash report. Yet I consider even a meagre '1.5 yards used' a success since I didn't buy anything new and finished the borders on my Carolina Christmas Mystery quilt!

Week 6/ 2010:
Used this Week: 1.5 yards (border Carolina Christmas)
Used year to Date: 31.25 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 11 yards
Net Used for 2010: 20.75 yards

Please go to Judy's site and see who else is participating in the stash report Sunday.
Fitness Report Week 6/ 2010:
# of visits at LifeTime: 2
Other activities:
4 mile walk on Paint Creek trail
5 k walk OU homecoming
Total Cardio: 4 hrs

Now I better get going so I have something to show for tomorrow's Design wall...
Have a great Sunday,


  1. I am anxious to see the borders on your Carolina Christmas!

  2. Almost 21 yards gone so far, very impressive.


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!