Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stash report

The stash report for this week doesn't look too bad - with the help of the quiltathon and Bits of Sunshine coming together. The added yardage was the fabric I had won that arrived last week.

Week 3/ 2010:
Used this Week: 7.25 yards ( Bits of Sunshine: borders & backing)
Used year to Date: 16.75 yards
Added this Week: 5 yards (fabric I won)
Added Year to Date: 11 yards
Net Used for 2010: 5.75 yards

Yeah, I am in the black and hope to keep it that way! Have a look at everybody's stash report by visiting Patchwork Times.

As for fitness, I managed to get 3 workouts in, not too bad. Will try again next week for 4 sessions.
Fitness Report Week 3/ 2010:
# of visits at LifeTime (Fitness Center): 3
Additional workouts: Detroit Auto show 4 hrs... ha, ha (talk about sore feet)
Total Cardio: 3 hrs
Maybe there will be another post today as a final wrap up of the quiltathon.


  1. Did you like the Auto Show? I've never been and have always wanted to go. But we went to dinner last night in Troy at some italian restaurant and coming over was a zoo. It took 45 min. to get through the tunnel. And the traffic going the other way on 75 was bumper to bumper. And we all thought it was a lot of traffic for the auto show. There must have been other things going on downtown.

  2. Good job on your fitness and sewing!

  3. Great job on the stash repot! Doesn't seem fair that we have to count the fabric that we win, but at least you didn't buy it. Congratulations!

  4. Good for you on the stash AND on the workouts! I've checked my eating (sort of) but have been too lazy... wait! I mean too focused on quilting and my family (wink) to work out. I have to get going on that so it's great motivation to hear when others are sticking to it. :D

    ps - you mentioned I have a "no reply" when you commented on my blog. What is that and how can I change it?


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!