Sunday, July 28, 2013

Design Wall Monday

I added some more spools:
total count: 16 blocks.
 I used some DS fabric leftover
that I had cut for the Star Surround QA.

And then after months of no frame quilting
 I finally loaded Modern Blossom and started quilting.
Still trying to meet the month-end dead line for 

(Dark photo - sorry).
Do you like the Clamshells with Flair?
-they are done with easy sewing boards.
Only a little over half quilted
and I still  need to attach the binding
by July 31.
Wish me luck!

Linking up to


  1. The Modern Blossom quilt is beautiful and I love the spools you've added.

  2. The clam shell with swirl is very pretty and is a great choice for the squares. The spools are so cool!

  3. I love those clamshells. Wonder if I can convince my mom that she needs some of those boards for her machine...


Thank you for your comment - you made my day!